CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 25
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 25 (1998)(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 2)[!][issue 1998-08].iso
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685 lines
; $VER: Virus_CheckerII Install 1.1 (26.01.98)
; Script to install Virus_Checker
; Written by Simon Dick of Amigaholics Club (sidick@essex.ac.uk)
; Updated and enhanced by John Veldthuis
; Updated, debugged, fixed and enhanced again by Alex van Niel
;;; Get the version and revision number of file/device/library/OS/etc
; INPUTS: Item ; Name of device/file/library/etc. "" for OS version
; OUTPUTS: VerN ; (long) version/revision number
; Ver ; Version number
; Rev ; Revision number
; NOTE: Both Ver and Rev returned as 0 if "WV_Item" does not exist
(procedure WhatVersion
(if (= VerN "")
(set VerNum (getversion)) ; For OS
(set VerNum (getversion VerN))) ; For other "files"
(set Ver (/ VerNum 65536))
(set Rev (- VerNum (* Ver 65536)))
;Set env var Virus_Checker_Path to installed place
(procedure setVCEnv
(set @default-dest VCPath)
(set VCPathS (cat
("setenv Virus_Checker_Path \"%s\"\n" VCPath)
("copy env:Virus_Checker_Path envarc: quiet\n")
(dest "T:VCEnvSet")
(append VCPathS)
(execute "T:VCEnvSet")
(delete "T:VCEnvSet")
(complete 0)
;(if (= @language "deutsch")
; (
; ; Add the german strings here for example
; (set where_vc "Please put the german strings in here first!"
; )
; )
(if (= @language "nederlands")
(set whatinstall (cat "Wilt u Virus_CheckerII volledig installeren "
"of slechts een deel ervan?"
(set hello (cat "\nVirusCheckerII is (c)1997/1998 van Alex van Niel\n\n"
"Een gebruikers vriendelijke Virus vernietiger voor de Amiga\n\n"
"Gepresenteerd en gedistributeerd door\n\n"
"Virus Help Team Nederland\n"
"United Bulletin Systems\n(lid van ABI)\n"
(set fullinstall "Volledig Installeren")
(set partialinstall "Delen Installeren")
(set installhelp (cat "Volledig Installeren, installeert ALLE Virus CheckerII files naar "
"de gekozen lade, terwijl wanneer u Delen Installeert slechts "
"de benodigde programma files installeert."
(set where_vc (cat "Kies de directory om Virus_CheckerII in te plaatsen a.u.b.\n"
"Virus_CheckerII zal hier GEEN!!!! eigen directory aanmaken. "
"Dit dient u zelf te doen als u dat wenst."
(set copyingdir "Kopieren van Virus_CheckerII lade")
(set copybblib "Kopieren van Bootblock.library")
(set copybbfile "Kopieren van Bootblock.brainfile")
(set copyxfdlib "Kopieren van xfdmaster.library")
(set copybguilib "Kopieren van bgui.library")
(set copyxfddecrs "Kopieren van XFD externe uitpakkers, kies a.u.b. de uitpakkers die u wilt installeren")
(set copyvcbrain "Kopieren van VirusChecker.brain")
(set copyvcprog "Kopieren van Virus_CheckerII")
(set instaloverold "Virus_CheckerII wordt geinstalleerd in de WBStartup over een oude versie heen")
(set vcrunfrom (cat "Als u User-Startup selecteert, dan zal er een regel aan "
"de User-Startup toegevoegd moeten worden welke Virus_CheckerII laat opstarten. "
"Dit kan de installatie utility voor u doen, of u kunt dit handmatig doen.\n"
"Als u WBStartup selecteert, dan zal een icoon naar uw WBStartup lade gecopieerd "
"worden welke Virus_CheckerII zal opstarten vanuit z'n eigen directory.\n"
"Kiest u Geen dan lijkt me duidelijk dat Virus_CheckerII wordt "
"gestart wanneer de computer opstart en zult u Virus_CheckerII handmatig moeten opstarten."
(set adjtt (cat "Ik ga nu de WBStartup tooltype aanpassen zodat VirusCheckerII vanuit z'n eigen "
"directory kan opstarten."
(set delwbicon (cat "Ik heb het icoon Virus_CheckerII.info in uw WBStartup directory gevonden "
"om er zeker van te zijn dat Virus_CheckerII vanuit de goede directory wordt opgestart "
"door dit icoon, is het raadzaam dit icoon te verwijderen.\n"
"Zal ik het icoon verwijderen?"
(set vcruntwo "Waar wilt u Virus_CheckerII uit laten opstarten?")
(set None "Geen")
(set bestplace "De beste plaats is vanuit de User-Startup")
(set cantinstalloverdir "U kunt Virus_CheckerII niet over een bestaande lade heen installeren")
(set removebrain (cat "Ik heb versie %ld.%ld van de VirusChecker.brain "
"file in L: gevonden\n"
"Dit is slechts nodig wanneer u Virus_CheckerII vanuit de "
"WBStartup laat opstarten.\n"
"Zal ik deze verwijderen?\n"
"(niet verwijderen resulteert in het niet-installeren van het project icoon en "
"mogelijkerwijs ook het niet correct opstarten van Virus_CheckerII)"
(set deletebrain "Verwijderen van L:VirusChecker.brain")
(set installguide "Wilt u het online AmigaGuide help bestand installeren?")
(set copyingguide "Kopieren van Virus_Checker.guide")
(set whichlangs (cat "Welke Virus CheckerII lokale catalogen wilt u "
(set langhelp (cat "Kopieren van deze bestanden stelt Virus_CheckerII in staat om "
"met verschillende Lokalen onder Workbench 2.1 of hoger "
"te draaien. Selecteer de cataloog bestand(en) die u "
"wilt gaan gebruiken.")
(set adddat "Ik moet de volgende regel aan uw \s:User-Startup\ bestand toevoegen\n\n%s")
(set copycat "Kopieren van Virus_Checker.catalog")
(set needtoreset (cat "VirusChecker II is een Anti-Virus Utility waar bijna 24uur per dag "
"aan gewerkt wordt. Toch kan het zijn dat er zich problemen voor doen."
"Vaak is dat dan weer het resultaat van niet of slecht lezen van de documentatie "
"waardoor onnodige frustratie kan ontstaan. Ik raad u dan ook sterk aan "
"om de documentatie in z'n geheel door te lezen. Uiteraard kkan het zijn dat "
"sommige problemen niet op te lossen zijn door het lezen van de documentatie "
"neem dan gerust contact met mij op. Hoe u mij kunt bereiken staat in de documentatie.\n\n"
"Voor u Virus_CheckerII nu kunt gebruiken, is het raadzaam uw machine te resetten."
(set instlrexx "Wilt u de Virus_CheckerII Arexx script(en) installeren?")
(set copyrexx "Welke Arexx script(en) wilt u kopieren?")
(set def_dir "Waar kan ik VirusCheckerII aantreffen/plaatsen?")
(set newicons (cat "Dankzij Lyle Zapato, geniet Virus_CheckerII nu ook\n"
"NewIcons support. Hij heeft een aantal verschillende speciale\n"
"iconen gemaakt die aan dit pakket zijn toegevoegd. Deze kunnen\n"
"gevonden worden in de lade 'Icons' in het archief.\n"
"Deze NewIcons zijn allemaal (c)1997/1998 Lyle Zapato.\n\n"
"Zal ik deze NewIcons ook copieren?\n"
(set vc_arc (cat "Zal ik Virus_CheckerII.Arc naar Virus_CheckerII's eigen lade copieren zodat u meteen "
"al LHA en LZX archieven kan controleren? (slechts geldig voorgeregistreerde gebruikers)"
(if (= @language "english")
(set whatinstall (cat "Do you want a full installation of Virus CheckerII "
"or just a partial one?"
(set hello (cat "\nVirusCheckerII is (c)1997/1998 by Alex van Niel\n\n"
"A user friendly Virus hunting utility for the Amiga computer\n\n"
"Presented and distributed by\n\n"
"Virus Help Team Netherlands\n"
"United Bulletin Systems\n(member of ABI)\n"
(set fullinstall "Full Install")
(set partialinstall "Partial Install")
(set installhelp (cat "Full install installs ALL Virus CheckerII files to "
"the directory chosen, while partial install just installs the "
"program files where needed"
(set where_vc (cat "Please select directory to put Virus_CheckerII in.\n"
"Virus_CheckerII will NOT!!! create a directory here, if desired, "
"you should do this yourself."
(set copyingdir "Copying Virus_CheckerII drawer")
(set copybblib "Copying Bootblock.library")
(set copybbfile "Copying Bootblock.brainfile")
(set copyxfdlib "Copying xfdmaster.library")
(set copybguilib "Copying bgui.library")
(set copyxfddecrs "Copying XFD external decrunchers, please choose which ones to install")
(set copyvcbrain "Copying VirusChecker.brain")
(set copyvcprog "Copying Virus_CheckerII")
(set instaloverold "Virus_CheckerII being installed in WBStartup over old version")
(set vcrunfrom (cat "If you select User-Startup, a line must be added to your User-Startup "
"which the installation utility can do for you, or you can do manually. "
"This will start Virus_CheckerII from it's on directory when your machine boots.\n"
"If you select WBStartup, an Icon will be copied to your WBStartup directory "
"which will allow VirusCheckerII to be started from it's own directory.\n"
"If you choose None then it might be obvious that no action is taken to "
"assure that Virus_CheckerII is run when you system is started up."
(set adjtt (cat "I am now adjusting the ToolType so that Virus_CheckerII will be started "
"from it's own directory."
(set delwbicon (cat "I have found a Virus_CheckerII.info icon in your WBStartup directory, "
"to make sure Virus_CheckerII is run from the correct directory, I recommend to "
"have this icon deleted.\n"
"Shall I delete this icon or leave it and skip installing a project icon?\n"
"(skipping this might cause Virus_CheckerII not be started from WBStartup)"
(set vcruntwo "Where do you want to run Virus_CheckerII from?")
(set None "None")
(set bestplace "The best place is from the User-Startup")
(set cantinstalloverdir "You can't install Virus_CheckerII over an existing directory")
(set removebrain (cat "I have found version %ld.%ld of the VirusChecker.brain "
"file in L:\n"
"This is only needed if you're running Virus_CheckerII "
"from WBStartup.\n"
"Shall I delete it?"
(set deletebrain "Deleting L:VirusChecker.brain")
(set installguide "Do you want to install the online AmigaGuide help file?")
(set copyingguide "Copying Virus_Checker.guide")
(set whichlangs (cat "Which Virus CheckerII locale catalogs do you want "
"to install?")
(set langhelp (cat "Copying these files will allow Virus_CheckerII to be "
"run using different Locales under Workbench 2.1 or "
"higher. Just select the catalog files which you "
"will need to use.")
(set adddat "I need to add the following line to your \s:User-Startup\ file\n\n%s")
(set copycat "Copying Virus_Checker.catalog")
(set needtoreset (cat "Virus_CheckerII is an Anti Virus utility which is worked upon almost "
"24hrs a day. Though, problems might rise in spite of this. Most of these "
"problems however are caused by not or half reading the documentation. "
"A lot of problems can be solved or even prevented by reading the documenation. "
"I therefore recommend that you read the documentation from front to back. It "
"might happen that some problems are not solved even then, if so, feel free to "
"contact me. How can be found in the documentation.\n\n"
"I personally recommend that you also reset your computer now so that Virus_CheckerII "
"can start properly."
(set instlrexx "Do you want to install the Virus CheckerII ARexx scripts?")
(set copyrexx "Which ARexx scripts do you want to copy?")
(set def_dir "Where shall I find/put Virus_CheckerII?")
(set newicons (cat "Thanks to Lyle Zapato, Virus_CheckerII now also enjoys "
"NewIcons support, since he created a vast variety of special "
"icons which have been included in this package and can be found "
"in the directory Icons in the archive.\n"
"These NewIcons are all (c)1997/1998 Lyle Zapato.\n\n"
"Would you like me to copy these NewIcons?\n")
(set vc_arc (cat "Should I copy Virus_CheckerII.Arc to Virus_CheckerII's own directory so you can check inside "
"LHA and LZX archives right away? (only valid for registered users)"
(message hello)
(set VerN "")
(WhatVersion) ;Get version
(if (< Ver 37)
(abort (cat #ver_err1 #err_msg))
(set fullinstall (askbool (default 1)
(prompt whatinstall)
(help installhelp)
(choices fullinstall partialinstall)
;If installed already then use that one
(if (= (exists "ENV:Virus_Checker_Path" (noreq)) 1)
(set @default-dest (getenv "Virus_Checker_Path"))
(if partialinstall
(set VCPath
(askdir (prompt def_dir)
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(if fullinstall
(set VCPath
(askdir (prompt where_vc)
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(complete 10)
; Copy Virus_CheckerII drawer
(copylib (prompt copyingdir)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "Virus_CheckerII")
(dest VCPath)
(optional oknodelete force)
(copylib (prompt copyingdir)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "VirusChecker.brain")
(dest VCPath)
(optional oknodelete askuser)
(copylib (prompt copyingdir)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "Virus_Checker.guide")
(dest VCPath)
(optional nofail askuser)
; If partial install
(debug "")
(complete 20)
; Update ENV settings
(complete 30)
; Install libraries
(copylib (prompt copybblib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/Bootblock.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional nofail askuser)
(complete 40)
(copylib (prompt copybbfile)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "l/Bootblock.brainfile")
(dest "L:")
(optional nofail askuser)
(complete 50)
(copylib (prompt copyxfdlib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/xfdmaster.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional nofail askuser)
(copylib (prompt copybguilib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/bgui.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional nofail askuser)
(complete 55)
(copyfiles (prompt copyxfddecrs)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "libs/xfd")
(dest "LIBS:xfd")
(optional nofail askuser)
(complete 60)
(copyfiles (prompt vc_arc)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "Virus_Checker.Arc")
(dest VCPath)
(optional nofail askuser)
(complete 65)
(if fullinstall
(set IconsDir (tackon VCPath "Icons"))
(if (NOT (exists IconsDir))
(makedir IconsDir (infos))
(set installicons (askbool (prompt newicons)
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1)
(if installicons
(prompt newicons)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Icons")
(dest IconsDir)
(optional nofail force)
(complete 70)
; Check if brainfile is in L:
(set brainfile (exists "L:VirusChecker.brain"))
(set wherestart (exists "SYS:WBStartup/Virus_CheckerII"))
(message vcrunfrom)
(if (= wherestart 0)
(set wherestart (askchoice (prompt vcruntwo)
(help bestplace)
(default 0)
(choices "User-Startup" "WBStartup" None)
(if (= wherestart 1)
(message instaloverold)
(abort cantinstalloverdir)
(if (= wherestart 0)
(if (= fullinstall 0)
(if (exists (tackon @default-dest "Utilities"))
(set VCPath (tackon @default-dest "Utilities"))
(if (exists "SYS:Utilities")
(set VCPath (expandpath "SYS:Utilities"))
;(set VCPath (askdir (prompt "")
; (help @askdir-help)
; (default @default-dest)
; )
(copylib (prompt copyvcprog)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "Virus_CheckerII")
(dest VCPath)
(optional oknodelete force)
(copylib (prompt copyvcbrain)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "VirusChecker.brain")
(dest VCPath)
(optional nofail askuser)
(if (= wherestart 1)
(copylib (prompt copyvcbrain)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "VirusChecker.brain")
(dest "L:")
(optional nofail askuser)
(if (= (exists "SYS:WBStartup/Virus_CheckerII.info" (noreq)) 1)
(set instwbicon (askbool (prompt delwbicon)
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1)
(set instwbicon 1)
(if instwbicon
(copyfiles (prompt copyvcprog)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "VC_II_Project.info")
(dest "SYS:WBStartup/")
(optional oknodelete force)
(delete "SYS:WBStartup/Virus_CheckerII.info")
(rename "SYS:WBStartup/VC_II_Project.info" "SYS:WBStartup/Virus_CheckerII.info")
(set VCProjectTool (tackon VCPath "Virus_CheckerII"))
(prompt adjtt)
(dest "SYS:WBStartup/Virus_CheckerII")
(setdefaulttool VCProjectTool)
(if (= brainfile 1)
(set VerN "L:VirusChecker.brain")
(WhatVersion) ;Get version
(set rembrain (askbool (prompt (removebrain Ver Rev))
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1)
(if (= rembrain 1)
(delete ("L:VirusChecker.brain")
(optional force)
(if (= wherestart 0) ; User-Startup
(set cmd (tackon @default-dest "Virus_CheckerII"))
(startup @app-name (prompt (adddat cmd))
(help @startup-help)
(command cmd)
(complete 80)
(if (askbool (prompt installguide)
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1)
(copylib (prompt copyingguide)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "Virus_Checker.guide")
(dest "HELP:")
; (dest (cat "HELP:" @language)) Later
(optional nofail force)
(complete 90)
(set localever (/ (getversion "locale.library" (resident)) 65536))
;(if (>= (/ (getversion "locale.library" (resident)) 65536) 38))
(if (>= localever 38)
(set locales (askoptions (prompt whichlangs)
(help langhelp)
(choices "nederlands"
(if (IN locales 0)
(copylib (prompt copycat)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "catalogs/nederlands/Virus_CheckerII.catalog")
(dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/nederlands")
(optional nofail askuser)
(if (IN locales 1)
(copylib (prompt copycat)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "catalogs/dansk/Virus_CheckerII.catalog")
(dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/dansk")
(optional nofail askuser)
(if (IN locales 2)
(copylib (prompt copycat)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "catalogs/deutsch/Virus_CheckerII.catalog")
(dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/deutsch")
(optional nofail askuser)
(if (IN locales 3)
(copylib (prompt copycat)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "catalogs/français/Virus_CheckerII.catalog")
(dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/français")
(optional nofail askuser)
(if (IN locales 4)
(copylib (prompt copycat)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "catalogs/norsk/Virus_CheckerII.catalog")
(dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/norsk")
(optional nofail askuser)
(set installrexx (askbool (prompt instlrexx)
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1)
(if installrexx
(copyfiles (prompt copyrexx)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "ARexx")
(dest "REXX:")
(optional nofail askuser)
(complete 100)
(if (= wherestartup 2)
(exit needtoreset)